123movies On the Basis of Sex [2018] 720p DVDRip Full Movie Download

Genre Biography actor Armie Hammer Release date 2018 Duration 2 H 0 Minutes Country Canada Daniel Stiepleman

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Japanese Romaji English 言っちゃった itchatta I went and said it もう一時だけ隣りに居たい mou chotto dake tonari ni itai I want to be with you just one more time いやいやまさか 延長は鬱雑い iya iya masaka enchou wa uzai No, no, to drag things out would be annoying 御免なさい 帰ってね gomennasai kaette ne I’m sorry, come back 二酸化の炭素 きみの濃度 nisanka no tanso kimi no noudo Carbon dioxide, your atmospheric concentration 浸ってたいよ 泥沼の夢に hitatte tai yo doronuma no yume ni I want to soak in a dream of a swamp 身勝手だって言われてもペロリ migatte datte iwarete mo perori Even if you tell me I’m selfish, I’ll just lap it up 不安じゃない 未来はない fuan ja nai mirai wa nai It’s not uncertain, there’s no future その顔に生まれ変わりたいな sono kao ni umare kawaritai na I want to be reborn with your face 知っちゃった shitchatta I went and found out 大嫌いを裏返したとて daikirai o uragaeshita tote Even if you flip over the words “I hate you” そこに大好きは隠れてないと soko ni daisuki wa kakuretenai to There’s no “I love you” hidden there 叶えたい この想い kanaetai kono omoi I want these emotions to be fulfilled 甘え過ぎ太る心回り amae sugi futoru kokoro mawari Depending on others too much, growing fat, they circulate through my heart “ファット想い→スリム”を掲げよう "fatto omoi surimu" o kakageyou Let’s adopt the slogan “Slim Down Fat Emotions” 出逢った頃と同じ様に成ろう deatta koro to onaji you ni narou It’ll be like when we first met 思い笑描く理想狂 omoi egaku risoukyou I’m mad with idealism, imagining a smile 血走る願いはやがて安堵 chibashiru negai wa yagate ando My bloodshot wish will soon be relieved だけど「大丈夫」なんて恋はどこにもないの dakedo "daijoubu" nante koi wa doko ni mo nai no But there’s no love anywhere that’s “just fine” だから妄想感傷代償連盟 dakara mousou kanshou daishou renmei So the Delusion Sentiment Compensation Federation 愛を懐いて理想を号んだ ai o idaite risou o sakenda Embraced love and shouted out their ideals 行き場のない愚者のメロディー ikiba no nai gusha no merodii A melody of fools with nowhere to go 再挑戦・転生・テレポーテーション saichousen tensei terepooteeshon Retrying – rebirth – teleportation 何回だって 重ねて逝くんだ nankai datte kasanete yukun da The number of tries keeps accumulating 終わりなき愛の隨に さあ owari naki ai no manimani saa At the mercy of an endless love 愛や厭 ai ya iya I detest love 頑張った ganbatta I did my best どうしようもないその我儘 doushiyou mo nai sono wagamama Past that selfishness that nothing can be done about 叶えた先にある謎自恋魔 kanaeta saki ni aru nazo jirenma Lies a riddle of evil love 怒ってる? …怒ってない。 okotteru? …okottenai. Are you angry? … I’m not angry. 阿吽の呼吸でズレるビート aun no kokyuu de zureru biito We’re perfectly in sync and yet off the beat これがもし映画やドラマなら kore ga moshi eiga ya dorama nara If this were a movie or a TV show スタッフロールまでは乗り切れど sutaffurooru made wa norikire do Though I’d endure it until the credits 二度とは観たくない nidoto wa mitakunai I wouldn’t want to watch it again 酷すぎる起承 転も結も hido sugiru kishou ten mo ketsu mo It’s all too cruel, from beginning to middle to end だけど「大丈夫」なんて恋を信じて仕舞うよ dakedo "daijoubu" nante koi o shinjite shimau yo But I still end up believing in a love that’s “just fine” だから通称:愛情対象年齢 dakara tsuushou: aijou taishou nenrei So this is Alias: Love Target Age 愛を悪んで守った位相が ai o nikunde mamotta isou ga The topography I protected by hating love 正しく歪み始めるの tadashiku yugami hajimeru no Is beginning to warp properly 最低じゃん どうせ対人ローション saitei jan douse taijin rooshon Isn’t it the worst? It’s like an interpersonal lotion 何回だって 傷付け合うんだ nankai datte kizutsuke aun da We’ll hurt each other over and over 混ざり合う愛のフィロソフィー mazariau ai no firosofii A blended love philosophy だけど「大丈夫」なんて嘘を覚えて仕舞うの dakedo "daijoubu" nante uso o oboete shimau no But I end up remembering the lie of “I’m just fine” nankai datte kasanete ikun da 通称:愛情対象年齢 tsuushou: aijou taishou nenrei Alias: Love Target Age 混ざり合う愛のフィロソフィー さあ mazariau ai no firosofii saa I detest love.

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